Sunday, July 28, 2013

PTU-Love and Smooches

PTU-Love and Smooches

Tube of choice-I am using the GORGEOUS artwork of Jessica Dougherty.
To purchase this and other artwork visit CDO.

Scrap Kit used is Dark Heart by Honored Scraps *Such a BEAUTIFUL Kit
Patty!  Thank You so much!* You can purchase this kit at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called Plaster of Paris


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open Paper_05 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I move up to get some
of the glitter at the bottom of the paper in the tag.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open WordArt_02 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right 
hand side of the tag.  Layers Duplicate.  With your move tool, move to the
left hand side of the tag.  Layers Merge Merge Down.  Activate your bottom 
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your word art layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open your tube (I used the close up one) and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I move just off center (to the right) of the tag.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_20 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right
hand side of the tag and down and below the tube layer.  Layers Duplicate
Image Mirror and Flip.  Layers Merge, Merge Down.  Activate your bottom 
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your fence layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_18 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved under the
tube layer and to the upper right hand corner of the tag.  Effect Edge Effects
Enhance More.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate 
your chandelier, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_24 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Add a drop shadow
and move under the tube layer and into the upper left hand corner.  Layers 
Duplicate and move to another part of the left hand.  Layers Merge Merge 
Down.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your flower
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_28 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Add a drop shadow
and move into the upper left hand corner and below the other flower layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your pink flower 
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_47 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the bottom
righ hand side of the tag and below the tube layer.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your leaves layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_25 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the bottom
right hand side of the tag and moved down above the leaves layer.  Activate 
your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your rose layer, Image Crop 
to Selection.

Open Element_54 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and
below the tube layer. Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate 
your ribbon layer, Image Crop to Selection. Layers Duplicate and I move 
one copy down to above the fence layer.  With your top ribbon layer active, 
use the eraser tool to erase what is showing on the flower and leaves.

With your top layer active, Open Paper_02 and copy and paste as a New 
Layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your top 
paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.  Selections Select All, Selections
Float/Defloat, Selections Modify Contract 3 and hit OK. Hit the Delete Key
once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Layers Merge Visible.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing Information and Name.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

PTU-Beauty has no color

PTU-Beauty has no color

Tube of choice- I am using the BEAUTIFUL artwork of Anna Marine.  You
can purchase this and other artwork at CDO.

Scrap Kit used is called Inspired by Jennifer Janesko 157-1 by Foxys Designz.
*Thank You so much Ann!  GORGEOUS kit!*  You can purchase this and
other Scrap Kits by Foxy at CDO.

Font used is a FTU Font called Penabico


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open Paper4_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open your tube of choice and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to
the right hand side.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your paper tube, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element5_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below
the tube layer and to the right a bit.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections 
Select All, Activate your mask layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element16_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below
the tube layer and behind the tube layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections 
Select All, Activate your paper mirror, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element15_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the 
bottom of the tag and below the tube layer. Activate your bottom layer, 
Selections Select All, Activate your bow layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element13_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the
bottom left hand corner and below the bow layer.  Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your rose layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element17_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down 
so it is behind the knot in the bow and below the bow layer.  Activate your 
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your key layer, Image Crop to 

Open Element14_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below
the mirror layer and to the upper right hand side of the tag.  Activate your 
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your white leaf layer, Image 
Crop to Selection.

Open Element6_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  to the right a bit
and below the rose layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, 
Activate your necklace layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element11-FD Image Mirror and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I 
moved to the left a bit and moved down so it is just above the mask layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your black leaf 
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Layers Merge, Merge Visible.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing Information and Name.



Tube of Choice-I am using the STUNNING artwork of Robin McQuay.  You 
can purchase this and other BEAUTIFUL artwork at Digital Chaos.

Scrap Kit used is called Rose of the Dragon by Foxy's Designz *Thank You
Ann!  GORGEOUS kit!!!*  You can purchase this and other BEAUTIFUL kits

Font used is a FTU font called Billion Stars.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open Paper3_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the middle
of the tag.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your 
tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Flower4_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved behind the
tube and down a bit.  Add a Dropshadow.  Activate your bottom layer, 
Selections Select All, Activate your flower 4 layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Pent_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind the
tube layer and down a bit farther then the flower layer.  Add a Drop Shadow.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your pentagram, 
Image Crop to Selection.

Open Frame4_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind the
tube layer and down about half way.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections 
Select All, Activate your frame layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Ribbon2_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below the
frame layer and to the right a bit.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections 
Select All, Activate your ribbon layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Rose3_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the bottom
right hand corner of the tag and moved down so it is just above the paper
layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your rose3,
Image Crop to Selection.  Layers Duplicate.  Image Mirror.

Open Rose2_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down to just
above the paper layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, 
Activate your rose2 layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Cloud1_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down so
it is just peeking at the bottom of the ta.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections 
Select All, Activate your cloud layer, Image Crop to Selection.

The tube I am using has birds on a separate layer.  I used the smaller one
on the tag.

With your top layer active, Open Paper9_FD and copy and paste as a New
Layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your
 top paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.  With that top paper layer active,
Selections Select All, Selections Modify Contract 3 and hit OK.  Hit the delete 
key once on your keyboard.

Add a Drop Shadow to what you think needs a Drop Shadow.

Layers Merge, Merge Visible.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing information and Name.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

PTU-Sweet Summertime

PTU-Sweet Summertime

Tube of Choice- I am using the GORGEOUS artwork of PinUpToons!  You 
can purchase this and other artwork at CDO.

Scrap Kit used is Inspired by PinUpToons 119-3 by Chi Chi Desingz (OMG
Cindy!  This kit is soooo BEAUTIFUL!  Thank You sooo much!)  You can
purchase this and other Scrap Kits at CDO.

Font used is called LD Jilly Nilly


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left
hand side of the tag.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All,
Activate your tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Paper3 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move below the tube
layer. Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper 
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Brush and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move behind the tube 
layer and down so the top of it is at the top of the tag and move so it is in
the middle.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your 
Brush layer, Image Crop to Selection.  Layers Duplicate Image Mirror.

Open Circles and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind the 
tube layer and slightly to the left and down so it looks kinda like she is 
relaxing on it.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate 
your circle layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Clouds Image Flip and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this 
below the tube layer and moved up and to the right.  Activate your bottom 
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your cloud layer, Image Crop to 

Open Flower4 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind the tube
layer and down.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All,Activate 
your flower layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Flowers and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left hand
side of the tag and moved so it is right above the paper layer.  Activate your 
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your Flowers layer, Image Crop 
to Selection.

Open Grass2 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this below the
tube layer and to the left so it looks like she is sitting on it.  Activate your 
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your grass layer, Image Crop to 

Open Sparkles and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this below the 
tube layer and down and to the left a bit so it looks like fireflies in the grass.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your Sparkles 
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Sun and copy and paste as a New layer.  I moved to the upper right
hand corner of the tag.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All,
Activate your sun layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Light and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the upper right
hand side of the tag and moved it so that the bottom light orb is all that is 
showing.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your 
Light layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your top layer active, Layers New Raster Layer, chose a dark color 
(I chose a color from her pants) and flood fill with that color.  Selections
Select All, Selections Float/ De Float, Selections Modify Contract 3 and hit
the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing information and Name.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

PTU-Just Breathe

PTU-Just Breathe

Tube of Choice- I am using the GORGEOUS Artwork of Jessica Dougherty.
You can purchase this and other artwork at CDO.

Scrap kit used is called So Emotional by Honored Scraps *Thank You so
much Patty!!!  This kit is just BEAUTIFUL!*  You can purchase this and 
other Scrap Kits at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called Bulgaria Moderna v3


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open Paper_02 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate the bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate the paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open your tube of choice and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved
to the right hand side of the tag. Activate the bottom layer, Selections Select 
All, Activate the tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_10 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved to the upper
right hand side of the tag and below the tube layer.  Activate the bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate the bow layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_21, Image Mirror and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I 
moved to the bottom left hand side of the tag.  Activate the bottom layer, 
Selections Select All, Activate the cloud layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_47 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this up and
slightly to the right and below the bow layer.  Activate the bottom layer, 
Selections Select All, Activate the moon layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_20 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this below
the moon layer and up and to the left.  Activate the bottom layer, Selections 
Select All, Activate the fence layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element_38 amd copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this up so
just a few stars are showing and moved to just above the moon layer.
Activate the bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate the scatter layer, 
Image Crop to Selection.  Layer Duplicate, Image Flip Image Mirror.

With your top layer active we are gonna make a frame.

Re Open Paper_02 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your
tube layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image Crop to
Selection.  Selections Select All, Selections Modify Contract 3 and hit OK.
Hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Layers Merge Merge Visible.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing Information and Name

Sunday, July 7, 2013

PTU-Too Cute

PTU-Too Cute

Tube of Choice-I am using the artwork of Pin Up Toons. You can purchase
this and other WONDERFUL tubes at CDO.

Scrap kit used is called Inspired By Pin Up Toons 162-3 by Tammy Kat
Dezigns *Love this kit Tammy!!!  Thank You sooo much!*  You can purchase
this and other scrap kits at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called Janda Closer to Free.


Open a 800X700 Transparent New Image.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-frame1b Image Rotate Clockwise 90
and copy and paste as a New Layer.

With your bottom layer active, Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-paper1
and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your frame layer and with your
magic wand click on the inside of it.  Selections Modify Expand 10.  Selections
Invert, Activate your paper layer and hit OK  Selections Select None.

Open your tube (I used full body) and copy and paste as a New Layer.

At this point you may need to move your frame/paper or tube around.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element1 and copy and paste as a 
New Layer.  Move to the bottom of the frame to the right and under the
paper layer.  add a slight drop shadow.  Layers Duplicate, Image Mirror.

Might need to use your mover tool to move the frame/paper and tube around.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element5 and copy and paste as a
New Layer.  I moved to the upper right hand corner of the frame and below
the paper layer.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element 7b and copy and paste as a
New Layer.  I moved up so it was on the white flower and below the paper

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element7 and copy and paste as a 
New Layer.  Image Rotate Free Rotate Left Free: 15 and hit OK.  Move up 
so it is next to the other flag and just above it.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element7a and copy and paste as a 
New Layer.  Image Rotate Free Rotate Left Free: 30 and hit OK.  Move up
so it is next to the flag you just did and just above it.

With your paper layer active, Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element16a
and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move to where you like it.  Activate
your paper layer again, Selections Select All Selections Float/Defloat
Selections Invert, Activate the heart layer and hit the delete key once on 
your keyboard.  Don't De Select yet!

With your heart layer active, Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element
6b and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and below the heart 
layer.  Hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element 4 and copy and paste as a
New Layer.  I moved below the heart balloon layer and to the left hand side
of the tag by the last flag.

With your top layer active, Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element2
and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Image Rotate Free Rotate Left Free:30
and Hit OK.  I moved this to the upper left hand side of the frame.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element9 and copy and paste as a
New Layer.  I moved to the upper right hand corner of the frame and moved 
below the tube layer.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element10 and copy and paste as a
New Layer.  I moved to the bottom left hand corner of the frame.

Open ScrapTK_IB-PinUpToons-162-3-element8 and copy and paste as a 
New Layer.  I moved to the upper left hand corner of the frame above the
ribbon layer.

Add a slight drop shadow to all your elements and frame.

Layers Merge Merge Visible.

Image Resize 600X525

Add your ©copyright and licensing information.

Here is what I did with the name,  I typed it out in all white and converted to
Raster Layer.  Selections Select All Selections Float/DeFloat Selections
Modify Contract 2 and then open a paper of your choice (I used paper2)
and copy and paste as a New Layer, Selections Invert and hit the delete
key once on your keyboard.  I added a drop shadow to the white name.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PTU-Medusa's Lament

PTU-Medusa's Lament

Tube and Scrap Kit used is Gaetano Di Falco's Package 17 and matching
Scrap Kit by Abstract Creations *Thank You Cassie!  This kit is GORGEOUS!*
You can purchase this Bundle Pack at CDO.

Mask used is Mask 56 by Moonbeams and Spiderwebs.

Font used is a FTU font called Dark Roast.


Open an 800X700 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.

Open e12 and copy and paste as a New Layer. Move behind your tube 
layer and down so part of the water is below the bottom of the tube.

Open e56, Image Resize 238X225, copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved
to the left of the tube and below the water layer.  Add a slight drop shadow.

Open e46 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below the flower 

Open e31 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and below
the flower layer.  Add a slight drop shadow.

Open e19 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below the boulder
layer and to the right of the tube.  Add a slight drop shadow.

Open e3 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left hand side
of the tube and down so just above the glow layer.

Open e16, Image Resize 225X221, Copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved
below the water layer and to the right of the tube toward the middle.

Open e29, Image Resize 166X225, Copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved
to the right of the tube.

Open e26, Image Resize 108X104, Copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved 
to the right and down so it is resting at the bottom of the post.

With your bottom layer active, Open p5 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
Open your mask of choice, Layers New Mask Layer from Image and scroll
to find your mask and hit OK.  Layers Merge Merge Group.  I moved to the
bottom of the tag being careful not to go to far past the water.  Layers Duplicate
and I moved up toward the top of the tag being careful to not go to far past
the glow layer.

Layers Merge Merge Visible.

Image resize 600X525.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing Information and Name.